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2009 Press Releases

Author: admin

November 2009 – Annual Audubon Bird Count Scheduled at PEEC
October 2009 – Boy & Girl Scout Badge Fests at PEEC
September 2009 – First Bloom Connecting Bushkill Youth with Native Gardens
August 2009 – Pocono People:  Jeff Rosalsky
July 2009 – PEEC Heats Up this August
June 2009 – Pocono Quilt Camp Celebrates 8 Summers at PEEC
April 2009 – Sixth Annual Native Plant Sale at PEEC
March 2009 – PEEC’s Equinox Extravaganza
February 2009 – PEEC Early Spring Birding Events

Annual Audubon Bird Count Scheduled at PEEC!

November 16th, 2009

Lehman Township, Dingman Ferry PA – Schedule a day to get away from the hustle and bustle of the upcoming holiday season. Come on out to the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) and take part in National Audubon Society’s century long tradition, the Annual Christmas Bird Count.

Join Northeast Audubon birder, Pete Wulfhurst on Sunday, December 20, 2009 from 7am-4pm (originally scheduled for Dec. 27). Pete will assist PEEC’s birders in documenting all the bird species in a 15 mile radius around PEEC. Tens of thousands of birders participate in this event every holiday season all over the world. This is citizen science at the very grass roots level and an opportunity to be part of a nationwide survey. It’s a great day and participation could not be any easier.

To register simply call PEEC at 570-828-2319, leave your name and phone number and we will get in touch with you with all the specifics for the day and the count. The cost is $5.00 payable to Audubon Society to support the event.

Pre-registration is required. Call PEEC for more information or to register at 570-828-2319. Please visit our Events page for a complete listing of all upcoming PEEC events and programs.

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, school groups, scouts and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). For more information call (570) 828-2319 or visit PEEC on the web at PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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PEEC Hosts Operation Purple’s Family Retreat

November 11th, 2009

Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania – At the end of October, the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC), a residential environmental education center in partnership with the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area proudly hosted more than 70 military kids and their families during an Operation Purple Family Retreat, a program of the National Military Family Association and funded by the Sierra Club and the Sierra Club Foundation.

Military children and families – like service members themselves – “serve too” by making daily personal sacrifices. Deployment of a parent can be exceptionally stressful, but the time after that father, mother, husband or wife returns home is often the most challenging of all. In 2004, the Operation Purple program was created as a way to help military children struggling with the stresses of war. In 2009, the National Military Family Association piloted the Family Retreats program which allows families the opportunity to strengthen and renew relationships, explore their natural surroundings and participate in fun family-focused activities.

“This was an outstanding program…” said Jeff Rosalsky, CEO, Pocono Environmental Education Center “…which drew military families together and brought them all closer to nature. As an environmental education center within the spectacular Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, PEEC was a perfect location to host this retreat and we were proud to do so. Our National Parks are a treasure and a source of pride for this country, as are the military and their families who serve.”

This free four-day retreat paired participants with PEEC’s staff of environmental educators who guided families on nature hikes, teambuilding exercises and field study exercise to promote strength, resilience and family growth. In programs led by PEEC staff, families experienced; learning about local fauna and flora, live animal presentations, folk singers, canoeing, campfires, arts and workshops all designed to foster a sense of community. Counselors from the National Military Family Association helped families to communicate, set goals, work as a team, and reconnect while exploring and learning about the environment.

The repeated long deployment of service members and frequent family relocations significantly impacts military families. During deployment, military spouses become the sole caretakers for their families, balancing their professional lives with family obligations. Children can experience behavioral problems, have trouble sleeping and become depressed while their parents are away. The Pocono Environmental Education Center views the Operation Purple Family Retreat as crucial to assisting military families engage in a lasting, healing, and transformative experience with each other.

There is no better setting to inspire such growth, connection, and celebration of family – among individuals, families, and the natural world – than through family-based education amid the spectacular scenery of one of our National Parks.

About the National Military Family Association
Military families serve our country with pride, honor, and quiet dedication. The National Military Family Association is the leading nonprofit organization committed to strengthening and protecting the families of the men and women currently serving, retired, wounded or fallen. We provide families of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Commissioned Corps of the USPHS and NOAA with information, work to get them the benefits they deserve, and offer programs that improve their lives. Our 40 years of service and accomplishments have made us a trusted resource for military families and the Nation’s leaders. To learn more, visit

About Sierra Club
The Sierra Club’s mission is to explore, enjoy and protect the planet. The Sierra Club’s members and supporters are more than 1.3 million of your friends and neighbors. Inspired by nature, we work together to protect our communities and the planet. The Sierra Club is America’s oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. We are committed to connecting military families with the healing powers of our natural heritage. Visit for more information.

About PEEC
The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) residential environmental education center, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area located in Dingmans Ferry, PA. Its mission is to advance environmental awareness, knowledge, and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. Visit for more information.

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Boy and Girl Scout Badge Fests at PEEC!!

October 11th, 2009

PEEC, the Pocono Environmental Education Center, continues to offer more affordable scout programs than ever in the tri-state area.

Webelo, Bear, Wolf and boy Scouts are invited to attend a Boy Scout Badge Fest on Saturday November 7th, 2009. Webelo programs offered include ‘Naturalist’ badge work in the morning and ‘Geologist’ work in the afternoon. Bear Scouts will enjoy ‘Sharing Your World with Wildlife’ in the morning and ‘Soil & Water Conservation’ in the afternoon. Wolf groups will concentrate on ‘Your Living World’ in the morning and ‘Birds’ in the afternoon. Boy Scouts will work on ‘Geology’ in the morning and ‘Wilderness Survival’ in the afternoon. Each session is 3 hours long.

The Girl Scout Badge Fest will be held on Saturday, November 14th, 2009. Juniors will work on ‘Outdoor Creativity’ in the morning and Outdoor Surroundings’ requirements in the afternoon. Cadettes will concentrate on ‘Eco-Action’ for their morning and ‘Outdoor Survival’ after lunch. Scouts can also participate in ‘Senses & Animals’ for a morning session and ‘Water Everywhere’ program in the afternoon. Each session is 3 hours long.

The Badge Fests will be held on Saturday, November 7th and 14th, 2009 from 9am – 4pm. Scouts can take part in either the morning, afternoon or both sessions. Program fees are: $10/scout for half-day, $18/scout for whole day, $26/scout for whole day w/lunch and just $8/parent/leader for lunch.

You can register as individual scouts or whole troops. All indications are that these programs will fill up fast. Pre-registration is required for all programs.

Call PEEC for more information or to register at (570) 828-2319. Please visit for a complete listing of all upcoming PEEC events and programs.

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, school groups, scouts and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). For more information call (570) 828-2319 or visit PEEC on the web at PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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The Great (Organically Grown) Pumpkin featured at 12th Annual PEEC-A-Boo!!

October 11th, 2009

Lehman Township, PA – Are you looking for something interesting for your little ghouls to do this year? Then bring your family out to the Pocono Environmental Education Center’s (PEEC) 12th Annual PEEC-A-BOO Halloween Trail on Saturday, October 31st for a great afternoon and evening of learning and fun.

Follow your guide around PEEC’s family-friendly trail and learn about nocturnal animals, whoooo lives in the forest, and much more. You and your family will even have the chance to listen to a story around the campfire! Enjoy fun crafts and entertainment before and after your journey. Refreshments will be available for a nominal fee throughout the day.

Don’t miss visiting The Great (300 pound) Pumpkin that was grown by longtime PEEC friend and neighbor, Larry Martone. Only organic methods were used to grow the massive pumpkin, proving that growing produce organically does not mean you have to settle for less! The Great Pumpkin provides a great photo opportunity as you make your way through the event.

PEEC-a-BOO takes place from 3 – 9 p.m. with trails running every 15 minutes. Each trail loop lasts approximately 45-minutes. Reservations are highly recommended to ensure a trail time. The event will be held rain or shine. Trail times fill up quickly, so call PEEC today to reserve a time for your family at (570) 828-2319. The cost is $5 per person and children 3-years and under are free. Bring a flashlight to use on the trail. Strollers are not recommended for the enchanted trail.

PEEC is also looking for a few good volunteers! Trail guides and the Great Pumpkin Security Team are needed to help lead families around the enchanted trail. PEEC is also looking for pumpkin donations for this year’s trail. Each year, the PEEC staff creates fun Jack-O-Lanterns to help light the enchanted trail, so pumpkin dona tions are greatly appreciated. Email PEEC’s Events Manager Mike Liese at if you would like to volunteer or donate pumpkins.

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, school groups, scouts and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located off of Route 209, near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). For more information call (570) 828-2319 or visit PEEC’s new and improved website at PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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First Bloom at PEEC Connecting Bushkill Youth with Native Gardens

September 30th, 2009

Lehman Township, PA – The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) and the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area hosted the kick-off event for its First Bloom program as part of the national celebration of the parks Saturday, September 26th. First Bloom is a National Park Foundation program that connects kids between 4th and 6th grades to nature and national parks. Only 26 parks from across the country were chosen to participate in First Bloom, which will run from September 2009 through June 2010.

The Pocono Environmental Education Center and the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area’s First Bloom Program will bring together 15 scouts from SCOUTREACH, a division of the Boy Scouts of America. Their commitment, with this program ensures that all young people have an opportunity to join scouting regardless of their circumstances.

The kickoff event began at 10:00 am on Saturday the 26th with and orientation proceeded by program activities which featured hiking, teambuilding, journal making, gardening, a campfire, night hike, and an overnight stay for scouts and a few of their parents.

PEEC education staff also instructed First Bloomers on the making of seed balls and planting a native landscape in front of PEEC’s main building.

The First Bloom Project has also become a community event, involving local area vendors. Plants used for the First Bloom kickoff event were donated by Regina Farms, Whispering Pines, Richard’s Tree Farm, and Jeff’s Garden Shop.

First Bloom participants will meet with PEEC instructional staff monthly throughout the program year to engage in outdoor, hands-on activities while learning to appreciate the outdoors and their national parks. Toward the end of the program, the youth will plant a native landscape at PEEC. That landscape is a lasting connection for those youth, an important learning experience, and a feature that all future visitors to the Park will enjoy.

For more information on First Bloom, including teacher resources, photos of other projects, games and other interactive tools for students, please visit or for PEEC’s First Bloom Page.

For more information on the PEEC/ DEWA event please call: Heidi C. Normand at PEEC (570) 828-2310 ext 227.

For more information about First Bloom and the National Park Foundation, please visit

For questions please call 570 828 2319 or visit our website at
PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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PEEC September Activities

September 10th, 2009

Lehman Township, PA – You’ll go Nuts Over Trees, witness Raptor Rush Hour, and go on an Equinox Walk at the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) in September! PEEC has packed this back to school month with activities for families, groups, teachers, and students!

For teachers interested in giving students another perspective about the earth beneath our feet, PEEC has put together several one day programs, Soils and Communities on September 5th, Nut Over Trees on September 13th, and Raptor Rush Hour on September 26th.

For the adventurer in everyone PEEC offers an introduction to overnight canoe camping. On September 11-13, learn the basics of paddling skills, how to pack for an overnight adventure, and most importantly LNT (Leave No Trace) practices. This program fills quickly, so please sign up before September 6th.

Explore the Delaware River Valley along with field experts during the Warblers and Raptors Weekend. See these fabulous birds in flight during the day and enjoy PEEC lodging and meals at night the weekend of September 12-13th.

The Boy Scout Environmental Merit Badge Series (7th in the series) returns to PEEC on September 26th. Join sustainability instructors to complete requirements for Boy Scout Merit Badges.

Finally, for those interested in just taking a walk and enjoying the beauty of nature, there is the Equinox Walk. Walk along the Dingmans Falls on an ADA accessible trail while PEEC staff point out the highlights of nature and you enjoy the scenery!

For questions and registration please call 570 828 2319 or visit our website at PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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PEEC Volunteer Day

September 8th, 2009

Lehman Township, PA – On Sunday, September 27th, 2009 join the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) for Volunteer Day from 1pm to 5pm. PEEC Volunteer Day is a great way to spend the day with your family while giving back to your community! Volunteers of all ages are welcome, so bring the entire family! PEEC has several projects to complete and is eager to find hardworking individuals of all skills and abilities. Projects include painting, gardening, and cleaning.

To participate in PEEC Volunteer Day please contact Mike Liese at 570 828 2319, or email us at Please remember to wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Light snacks will be served during the event. For more information call 570 828 2319. PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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PEEC September Actitivies

September 3rd, 2009

Lehman Township, PA – You’ll go Nuts Over Trees, witness Raptor Rush Hour, and go on an Equinox Walk at the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) in September! PEEC has packed this back to school month with activities for families, groups, teachers, and students!

For teachers interested in giving students another perspective about the earth beneath our feet, PEEC has put together several one day programs, Soils and Communities on September 5th, Nut Over Trees on September 13th, and Raptor Rush Hour on September 26th.

For the adventurer in everyone PEEC offers an introduction to overnight canoe camping. On September 11-13, learn the basics of paddling skills, how to pack for an overnight adventure, and most importantly LNT (Leave No Trace) practices. This program fills quickly, so please sign up before September 6th.

Explore the Delaware River Valley along with field experts during the Warblers and Raptors Weekend. See these fabulous birds in flight during the day and enjoy PEEC lodging and meals at night the weekend of September 12-13th.

The Boy Scout Environmental Merit Badge Series (7th in the series) returns to PEEC on September 26th. Join sustainability instructors to complete requirements for Boy Scout Merit Badges.

Finally, for those interested in just taking a walk and enjoying the beauty of nature, there is the Equinox Walk. Walk along the Dingmans Falls on an ADA accessible trail while PEEC staff point out the highlights of nature and you enjoy the scenery!

For questions and registration please call 570 828 2319. PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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PEEC Volunteer Day

September 2nd, 2009

Lehman Township, PA – On Sunday, September 27th, 2009 join the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) for Volunteer Day from 1pm to 5pm.

PEEC Volunteer Day is a great way to spend the day with your family while giving back to your community! Volunteers of all ages are welcome, so bring the entire family!

PEEC has several projects to complete and is eager to find hardworking individuals of all skills and abilities. Projects include painting, gardening, and cleaning.

To participate in PEEC Volunteer Day please contact Mike Liese at 570 282 2319, or email us at Please remember to wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Light snacks will be served during the event. Volunteer in PEEC, where learning comes naturally!

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Pocono People: Jeff Rosalsky

August 17th, 2009 | By Wayne Witkowski for the Pocono Record

PEEC’s new CEO is familiar with program and the people who make it work

Just two months on the job as the new chief executive officer at the Pocono Environmental Education Center, Jeff Rosalsky is very much at home.

He’s lived in the area and served different roles at PEEC over the last 10 years. Most recently, Rosalsky was chairman of the board, then interim CEO, working with Jim Rienhardt, who resigned after eight years to take a job in the Philadelphia area … Read More

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Family Adventures at PEEC

August 15th, 2009

Dingmans Ferry, PA – Do you need a little more time with your family this summer before you all have to get back to the hustle and bustle of managing school and work schedules?

Spend the holiday weekend at PEEC (Pocono Environmental Education Center) and enjoy uninterrupted, quality time with your family during the upcoming Labor Day Family Nature Getaway September 4-7, 2009. Family getaways are packed with educational, social and recreational activities that will give your family the chance to spend time together, while enjoying the beauty of the great outdoors. This family getaway weekend is $160 per person for PEEC members and $175 for non-members and includes all meals, lodging and family program. Non-lodging rates are also available and are $100 per person for members and $115 for non-members. Ask about our discounts for children 10 years and under.

PEEC is less than a 2 hour drive from NYC, Newark and Philadelphia. Why spend half the day travelling when you can spend that time simply enjoying the time. Pre-registration is required. To register call (570) 828-2319, or visit to download a registration form.

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, school groups, scouts and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). For more information call (570) 828-2319 or visit PEEC on the web at PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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The End of Summer Extravaganza

Lehman Township, PA – Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) is adding an extra week of camp aptly themed: The End of Summer Extravaganza which will run from Monday August 17th through Friday August 21st. During this week we will explore, play, and experience all the activities that the camper’s here know and love; activities such as canoeing, muckraking, wildlife games, hikes, teambuilding, swimming at Camp Akenac, and much more ending with a parent’s day campfire on Friday with s ‘mores.

If you would like to sign up your child you can call the front desk at PEEC at (570) 828-2319 at the same price of $145 for a non-member & $135 for a Friend of PEEC. Milford Transportation is available from Milford Health & Wellness for an additional $45.

We are really looking to see the summer out with a big HURRAH with all of PEEC’s campers. A bonus camp T-Shirt will be provided if you attend the end of summer extravaganza.

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge, and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, schools, groups, scouts, and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). For more information and to register for any of these events simply call (570) 828-2319 or visit PEEC on the web at PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!Lehman Township, PA – Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) is adding an extra week of camp aptly themed: The End of Summer Extravaganza which will run from Monday August 17th through Friday August 21st. During this week we will explore, play, and experience all the activities that the camper’s here know and love; activities such as canoeing, muckraking, wildlife games, hikes, teambuilding, swimming at Camp Akenac, and much more ending with a parent’s day campfire on Friday with s ‘mores.

If you would like to sign up your child you can call the front desk at PEEC at (570) 828-2319 at the same price of $145 for a non-member & $135 for a Friend of PEEC. Milford Transportation is available from Milford Health & Wellness for an additional $45.

We are really looking to see the summer out with a big HURRAH with all of PEEC’s campers. A bonus camp T-Shirt will be provided if you attend the end of summer extravaganza.

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge, and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, schools, groups, scouts, and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). For more information and to register for any of these events simply call (570) 828-2319 or visit PEEC on the web at PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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PEEC Heats Up this August

July 29th, 2009

Lehman Township, PA- The Pocono Environmental Education Center (P.E.E.C.) in Dingmans Ferry, PA is hosting a variety of fun, nature lessons and activities for children and families in August. There is truly something for everyone at PEEC this summer. To register for any of PEEC’s programs simply call 570-828-2319.

PEEC’s new Sustainable Living Series teaches children and adults how to make a positive difference for the Earth. Learn about Sustainable Cleaning Options for home, work and play on August 15, 2009 from 1-4 p.m. PEEC Instructor Justin Timmers will show participants just how easy it is to make some simple and inexpensive changes to the drudgery of housework. This program is $7 for PEEC members and $9 for non-members.

Some of PEEC’s most popular family programs happen in August. The Dragon Fly Dash happens on August 1, 2009 from 1-4pm. The Frog Frolic II follows that on Sunday, August 2, 2009 from 1-4pm. Cost for either program is $7 for PEEC members and $9 for non-members.

The 2nd Annual Moon Walk happens on Saturday, August 8 from 8:30 – 10:30pm. This is a very popular program and will fill up fast…call now to sign up. This wonderful program is $7 for PEEC members and $9 for non-members.

PEEC also offers programs for the casual nature lover. On August 16, 2009 from 1-4pm PEEC will host a ‘Meet Your Local Forest’ program. The informative program, offered in partnership with Grey Towers, will focus on the composition and forest ecology of the local area. Cost is $7 for PEEC members and $9 for non-members.

PEEC’s Drumming Workshop with Obi Kaye takes place on Sunday, August 30 from 10am-4pm. A very hands-on introduction to world cultures using percussion instruments as the tool for understanding. Drummer Obi Kaye will incorporate drumming presentations and “hands-on” participation in both playing rhythms and basic drum making with reused materials. Participants will be able to make Berimbaus, rain sticks, maracas, and other instruments from reused materials. Bring your own materials to make a unique drum of your own. Bring a bag lunch…register by Aug. 15. Workshop cost is $20 for PEEC members, $25 for non-members.

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge, and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, schools, groups, scouts, and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). For more information and to register for any of these events simply call (570) 828-2319. PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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PEEC’s Award Winning VAC Building

July 29th, 2009

The VAC building at PEEC has been recognized for its unique architecture and environmentally friendly design.

2009 Green GOOD DESIGN Award
The European Center for Architecture and the Chicago Athenaeum

2009 Award of Excellence, Educational Facility Design Award
AIA Committee on Architecture for Education

As part of the Green GOOD DESIGN awards, the VAC and 3 other BCJ projects are part of an exhibition of international award winners in green design currently on display in Athens, Greece.

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PEEC Named Innovative Green Building by Women’s Day Magazine

July 25th, 2009

“It’s true that structures that incorporate “green” design elements are inherently inventive, since they often utilize state-of-the-art technologies in order to have minimum impact on the environment. However, there are some buildings that go above and beyond even green conventions in order to meet Gold- or even Platinum-level LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) building certification standards…” Read more by visiting

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PEEC’s 8th Annual Golf Outing at Great Bear

July 15th, 2009

Lehman Township, PA – On Monday, July 27th, get more from golf! Join the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) for its 8th Annual Golf Outing at Great Bear Golf & Country Club in East Stroudsburg, PA.

The Great Bear Golf and Country Club is the only Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course in the region and it is among the top 20 golf courses in Pennsylvania, according to Golf Digest.

But you get more than just golf! You get the opportunity to contribute to your community! Each year PEEC opens up its Youth and Family Education Programs to many underprivileged communities. Securing funding for these programs would be impossible without your help.

Become a Golf Outing Sponsor, donate raffle prizes, buy a raffle ticket, make a donation of any size, or simply grab your friends, clients, and family and joins us for a day of golf!

Many wonderful companies are already on board as signature sponsors. We are very excited to have the Puente Reilly Group once again as a Platinum Level Sponsor. Simone Collins Landscape Architecture has graciously become a Gold Level Sponsor. Joining the PEEC family of sponsors for the very first time this year is Futures and Options for Kids as a Silver Level Sponsor.

In addition, the Dime Bank of Dingmans Ferry, Ed Nikles Custom Builders, the Pocono Mountains Visitor’s Bureau, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, the Dingmans Ferry Bridge, ESSA Bank and Trust, Paul E Simmons Realty, Hovus Inc, the Niki Jones Agency, as well as many private donors are all set to golf!

We provide coffee, bagels, golf carts, green fees, scramble format, reception, raffles and an awards luncheon for all players. The course is fantastic and the food is outstanding! We hope you consider joining us for a great day of golf and fun – all for a great cause.

All sponsorships and donations are gratefully accepted and will be acknowledged on displays, in the carts, in the program and in our seasonal publications. To register, become a sponsor or donate a prize, call Flo or Bessy in our Development Office at 570-828-2319 x233.

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, school groups, scouts and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). Visit PEEC on the web at to view the 2008 calendar of events. PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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Pocono Quilt Camp Celebrates 8 Summers at PEEC!

June 27th, 2009

Lehman Township – Now adults can participate in summer camp. Join quilters Patti Shreiner and Carol Hill for a week of quilting fun at the Pocono Environmental Education Center in Dingmans Ferry, PA this August.

During the 8th Annual Pocono Quilt Camp, Patti and Carol will take you on an adventure into the use of bias tape. Choose a technique such as stained glass, Celtic, floral appliqué or something fitting your own individuality. Stitchers of all levels are welcome. Work on this year’s theme or on your current needlework projects.

There are two camp sessions. The first session begins Friday, August 7, 2009 and ends Sunday, August 9, 2009 and includes all meals, lodging (Friday dinner-Sunday lunch) and program. Lodging rates for this session are $155 for PEEC members and $170 for non-members.  Non-lodging rates are $95 for PEEC members and $110 for non-members.

The second camp session begins Sunday, August 9, 2009 and ends Friday, August 14, 2009. Lodging rates are $325 for PEEC members and $355 for non-members. Non-lodging rates are $265 for PEEC members and $295 for non-members. It includes all meals, lodging (Sunday dinner- Friday lunch) and program.

These sessions usually fill up fast.  Call now to reserve your spot! Pre-registration is required for both programs. Please register by July 25.  Call (570) 828-2319 to register or email for more information.

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, school groups, scouts and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). Visit PEEC on the web at to view the 2008 calendar of events. PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

Get biased…Quilting Tape, That Is
Session 1 August 7-9, 2009
Lodging: Member $155/Non-member $170
No lodging: Member $95/Non-member $110
Session 2 August 9-14, 2009
Lodging: Member $325/Non-member $355
No lodging: Member $265/Non-member $295

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The Most Affordable Family Staycation in the Poconos

June 17th, 2009

The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) is pleased to announce its Fourth of July Day Camp and Family Nature Getaway combo for the week of July 6-10. “It is a great way for families to spend the holiday together,” said Heidi Normand, Associate Director of Education, in charge of programming at PEEC.

A family of four can relax and bond close to home in the Poconos for a week for just $780! This includes five nights lodging in PEEC cabins and five breakfasts catered by the new food service staff, Green Feed Catering. This also includes five days of summer camp with lunch for two children, 1st through 7th grade, with an additional $60 fee for campers 8th through 10th grade.

Families can really indulge in the beautiful outdoors with hiking, fishing, canoeing, swimming everyday while their children enjoy a full week of PEEC’s summer day camp program from 9 am until 4 pm. “Families coming together is really important, “said Normand.

The Summer Nature Study Day Camp is led by PEEC staff for children ages three to fifteen. “Seeing the kids’ enthusiasm and interest in nature every time is the best feeling,” said Mike Liese, Summer Camp Manager. There are various nature activities appropriate to age group, including crafts and activities for younger children and more in-depth nature exploration activities for older children. Some examples include journaling, photography, fishing and canoeing.  Children will learn all about nature in the great outdoors and have fun in the process.  Highlighted summer camp programs this week are PEEC ROCKS! for 1st – 4th graders in the Wet & Slimy group, The Ground Around Us for 5th – 7th graders in the Junior Naturalists group and Ultimate Adventure for 8th – 10th graders in the Senior Naturalists group.

Camp fees include all program materials, craft supplies, afternoon snacks and a PEEC camp T-shirt.  Come explore all that nature has to offer on PEEC’s campus and reconnect with loved ones at a time where families need to more than ever.

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, school groups, scouts and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located off of Route 209, near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). For more information call (570) 828-2319 or visit PEEC’s new and improved website at PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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Green Feed Catering Now Serving at PEEC

June 11th, 2009

Lehman Township, PA- The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) is pleased to announce that locally owned company, Green Feed Catering, is now providing year-round food service operations for PEEC’s guests and visitors.

Green Feed at PEEC is headed by local residents, Colleen Messing and LoriAnn Hines. Messing has a background in business administration, in addition to a variety of culinary classes. Hines managed a private club and owned a restaurant/café prior to joining the team at Green Feed. Hines brings thirty years of culinary experience to the catering staff.

Green Feed Catering does a variety of culinary creations ranging from small backyard barbeques to weddings. “It’s an opportunity to be creative,” said Messing. Many other events they cater to include graduations, anniversaries, and bar mitzvahs. PEEC’s full service, award winning dining hall provides Green Feed with the perfect venue for many functions and events. 

Green Feed made its debut at PEEC’s Earth Day Celebration this past April providing a complete day long picnic with a well balanced menu that received rave reviews from the hundreds of participants.

They now take their creativity to a whole new level with providing healthy meals to the many school groups at PEEC. They provide well-balanced meals using fresh produce to produce many items including their own flatbread pizza, a variety of chicken dishes as well as vegetarian meals.

Green Feed caters to many diets providing options for vegan and kosher meals. They also provide special meals for people with allergic restrictions.

Green Feed Catering fits in perfectly with PEEC’s mission to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom.

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, school groups, scouts and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located off of Route 209, near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). For more information call (570) 828-2319 or visit PEEC’s new and improved website at PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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Jeff Rosalsky Named New CEO for PEEC!

June 2nd, 2009

The Board of Trustees for the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Pike County resident, Jeff Rosalsky as the new CEO for PEEC effective June 1, 2009.  PEEC Chairperson Dr. Barbara Brummer stated: “We are extremely pleased and honored to have Jeff’s strong leadership skills to guide PEEC into the next generation.  PEEC’s influence on program participants will help to educate and produce our next environmental advocates.”

Jeff, his wife Gail and their three children have been residents of Pike County for eleven years and have been associated with PEEC since they arrived.  Jeff first visited PEEC as a neighbor, then as a parent of summer campers, a hiker, volunteer, Board of Trustees member and most recently as Chairman of the Board.  Jeff noted that when the opportunity arose to take over the Chief Executive role however, it was one that he could thoroughly embrace.

Jeff brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to PEEC.  He spent fifteen years as an investment banker in New York, London and Hong Kong, co-founded a venture capital backed internet database marketing company and acted as its COO and was also CEO of a property development company.  Jeff has served as a Director of various non-profit companies in Pike County.  He was graduated from Princeton University with an A.B. in English.  “We are looking forward to working with Jeff to expand PEEC programs and grow our community engagement,” said Dr. Brummer

In a recent interview, Jeff reiterated his commitment to PEEC and its mission to promote environmental education for this and future generations.  “…each time I see the PEEC campus overflowing with children and adults I know that we are doing a vital job as educators and one that is valued by both the local and regional communities.  First and foremost PEEC is a place for educating.

Jeff’s vision for PEEC is to be a place that continues to spark curiosity, innovation and inspiration.

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, school groups, scouts and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). For more information call (570) 828-2319 or visit PEEC on the web at PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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Sixth Annual Native Plant Sale at PEEC!

April 29th, 2009

Lehman Township, PA – Spring is here!  The birds are chirping, screeching, and hooting, the ladybugs and mosquitoes are emerging, and drips and drabs of color are sprouting forth all around us.  Shades of periwinkle, violet, and rose are showing up in our communities.  Why???  Spring wildflowers! 

Spring wildflowers provide visual beauty after a long winter and play a very important role in our local ecosystems.  Violets are eaten by the caterpillars of several moth species.  Red columbine attracts hummingbirds, and in fact often relies on hummingbirds for pollination.  Clover, though often disliked by religious lawn tenders, is great food source for a variety of species from robins to the white tailed deer, ruffed grouse and honey bees.

Not all the wildflowers blooming this spring are beneficial to our environment.  Many invasive species from other continents have found their way to the Northeastern United States and are choking out many native plants.  The Multiflora rose, native to Asia, was brought to America in the 1860s as an ornamental plant.  Attractive though it may be, it grows quickly and forms dense thickets that crowd out native plants.  Another beautiful but invasive species is the Purple loosestrife.  This plant crowds out essential native food plants in our wetlands and affects the food chain of many animals.  Because of the damaging effects of this flower, it is illegal to sell the seeds in most states.

Unfortunately, the seeds are sometimes sold to unsuspecting consumers under the name “European Wand loosestrife”.
The staff and volunteers at the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) are making it easy for local residents to plant native flowers, shrubs and grasses again this year! PEEC is hosting its Sixth Annual Native Plant Sale on Saturday, May 9 from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Choose from a wide variety of native wildflowers, plants and shrubs to make your garden beautiful.

By selecting native plants for your backyard or garden, you will be able to promote more bio diversity not only in your plants, but also in the types of birds and other wildlife that visit.  Come join us and celebrate the beauty of native spring wildflowers!  Plan to arrive early….first come, first served and many popular plants sell out quickly!!

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, school groups, scouts and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located off of Route 209, near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). For more information call (570) 828-2319 or visit PEEC’s new and improved website at PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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Representative John J. Siptroth Receives PEEC Annual Environmental Stewardship Partner Award

April 16th, 2009

Lehman Township, PA – PA State Representative John J. Siptroth will receive the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) Annual Environmental Stewardship Partner Award on Sunday, April 19th as a part of the opening ceremonies at PEEC’s Earth Day Celebration.

John Siptroth has long been a champion for the environment and supporter of efforts to protect the natural, cultural and historical resources of the Pocono Mountains.  Rep. Siptroth is instrumental in securing successful funding for conservation easements and acquisitions of many areas of unspoiled natural beauty to preserve them from development. He continues to help support the efforts of concerned citizens and property owners to preserve forests, lakes and wildlife habitat.

Representative Siptroth is an active supporter of renewable energy technology and energy conservation and is currently assisting a number of technology manufacturers establish, expand or relocate their operations in North East Pennsylvania in order to provide green collar jobs and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Representative Siptroth has promoted local solar, geothermal and other energy technology companies to the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection and has hosted public broadcasting programs to advocate for these technologies.

In 2008 Representative Siptroth initiated the Poconos first “Green Fair” that attracted large crowds eager to learn about renewable energy solutions and sound environmental practices. Representative Siptroth is also an executive board member of the first World Green Energy Symposium which is been held at the Wachovia Arena in Wilkes-Barre this September.

John Siptroth has consistently supported pro environmental legislation in his role of legislator and is a major support of Growing Greener 2. He is a regular volunteer for litter clean ups such as the Great Delaware Clean-up and has introduced legislation that would significantly increase the penalties for littering.

Since being elected in 2005, Representative Siptroth has continued to support PEEC with direct grant funding and support for applications that PEEC has made to numerous funding sources. Representative Siptroth is currently working with PEEC to assist with advice and support for educational programming on renewable energy and climate change.

Siptroth regularly attends and participates in PEEC programs and offers grassroots support to PEEC in its effort to educate its rapidly growing community to become better informed citizens by choosing simple, sustainable ways to live their lives and for future generations. His support is greatly and sincerely appreciated.

The Pocono Environmental Education Center, a non-profit center, is located within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, between Milford and Bushkill, PA. The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) enhances environmental awareness, knowledge, and appreciation through hands on experiences in an outdoor classroom. PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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Live Wildlife Program at PEEC

April 13th, 2009

Lehman Township, PA – Are you looking for a fun event where you and your family can celebrate Earth Day this year? The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) in Dingmans Ferry, PA will host its 14th Annual Earth Day Family Festival on Sunday, April 19, 2009 from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Featured events during the day long celebration include a recital by the wonderful Delaware Dancers, the presentation of PEEC’s Annual Environmental Stewardship Partner Award, a free concert with an international flair by the Duo Del Norte and a live animal presentation from Kathy Uhler of the Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center.

The live animal program is always a big hit for PEEC’s Earth Day program.  Kathy Uhler and the folks from the Pocono Wildlife Rehab Center offer programs throughout the year that are both educational and entertaining.  The Rehab Center is located in Stroudsburg PA and has been providing services and programs for over 25 years. It is a facility where injured and orphaned wild animals receive treatment until they can be released back into the wild. Native hawks, owls and local mammals and reptiles are used in their programs.

Families can also enjoy and participate in the day’s on-going programs, guided nature walks, birding, pond ecology, eco-crafts and games, hands-on learning stations that will teach children and adults about sustainable living, exhibits and more! Of course what would PEEC’s Earth Day Festival be without the tie-dye station? Bring your cotton shirts, socks, pillowcases and other items to be tie-dyed with your very own colorful design or you can purchase a t-shirt at PEEC to decorate.

Advanced Recovery, from Port Jervis NY will be on hand all day to help folks recycle all of their old household electronics. Kittatinny Canoes from Dingmans Ferry, PA will be on hand to introduce families to canoeing and kayaking on PEEC’s ponds. 

A barbeque lunch will be available for a nominal fee, so plan to spend the day! The event lasts from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. and will be held rain or shine. Visit, email or call (570) 828-2319 for driving directions and more information.

Admission to the festival is $5 per carload for all programs and activities; $10/carload for all programs, activities and all the electronic recycling your car, not truck, can hold!! All proceeds from the festival will benefit PEEC’s Youth and Family Education Programs.

The Pocono Environmental Education Center, a non-profit center, is located within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, between Milford and Bushkill, PA. The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) enhances environmental awareness, knowledge, and appreciation through hands on experiences in an outdoor classroom. PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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PEEC’s Earth Day Celebration 2009

April 10th, 2009

Lehman Township, PA – Are you looking for a fun event where you and your family can celebrate Earth Day this year? The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) in Dingmans Ferry, PA will host its 14th Annual Earth Day Family Festival on Sunday, April 19, 2009 from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Featured events during the day long celebration include a recital by the wonderful Delaware Dancers, the presentation of PEEC’s Annual Environmental Stewardship Partner Award, a free concert with an international flair by the Duo Del Norte and a live animal presentation from Kathy Uhler of the Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center. 

Families can also enjoy and participate in the day’s on-going programs, guided nature walks, birding, pond ecology, eco-crafts and games, hands-on learning stations that will teach children and adults about sustainable living, exhibits and more! Of course what would PEEC’s Earth Day Festival be without the tie-dye station? Bring your cotton shirts, socks, pillowcases and other items to be tie-dyed with your very own colorful design or you can purchase a t-shirt at PEEC to decorate.

Advanced Recovery, from Port Jervis NY will be on hand all day to help folks recycle all of the old electronics…a terrific way to appropriately recycle your old electronics for someone to re-use the parts. Kittatinny Canoes from Dingmans Ferry, PA will be on hand to introduce families to canoeing and kayaking on PEEC’s ponds.  This will be a basic introductory program and is bound to be very popular. 

A barbeque lunch will be available for a nominal fee, so plan to spend the day! The event lasts from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. and will be held rain or shine. Visit, email or call (570) 828-2319 for driving directions and more information.

Admission to the festival is $5 per carload for all programs and activities; $10/carload for all programs, activities and all the electronic recycling your car, not truck, can hold!!. All proceeds from the festival will benefit PEEC’s Youth and Family Education Programs.

The Pocono Environmental Education Center, a non-profit center, is located within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, between Milford and Bushkill, PA. The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) enhances environmental awareness, knowledge, and appreciation through hands on experiences in an outdoor classroom. PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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Become a Volunteer In PEEC (VIP)!

April 5th, 2009

Dingmans Ferry, PA – The Pocono Environmental Education Center- (PEEC) is looking for outdoor enthusiasts for its Annual Spring Volunteer Clean-up Day to be held Saturday April 11th from 9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Volunteers are needed to perform general grounds keeping, gardening, carpentry, trail maintenance and inside office work. PEEC’s VIP’s make a difference. 

You will have the opportunity to share your skills with others of similar interests.  Coffee, snacks and lunch are provided.   If you or a group of co-workers would like to volunteer on April 11th, please call Mike Liese at 570-828-2319.

Learn more about PEEC by logging on to

The Pocono Environmental Education Center, a non-profit center, is located within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, between Milford and Bushkill, PA. The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) enhances environmental awareness, knowledge, and appreciation through hands on experiences in an outdoor classroom. PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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Advanced Recovery and PEEC Team Up for Earth Day!

April 5th, 2009

The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) and Advanced Recovery Inc. have teamed up for Earth Day offering you the opportunity to once and for all recycle all of your household electronics!  Advanced Recovery folks will be at PEEC’s 14th Annual Earth Day Celebration on Sunday April 19th from, 11am until 4pm. This is a perfect partnership at a perfect venue for a great program.

Advanced Recovery, Inc. provides electronic and scrap metal recycling services to individuals, businesses, and governmental agencies. The Company completely recycles all types of electronic equipment and material, including computers, printers, fax machines, modems, bridges, hubs, copy machines, consumer electronics, components and various other types of plastic, ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

Advanced Recovery, Inc. is built on the assumption that the management of electronic recycling for business is like legal advice, accounting, graphic arts, and other bodies of knowledge, in that it is not inherently a do it yourself prospect. Smart citizens who are aware of the pressing environmental issues facing them and the ominous legal ramifications for violating EPA law need to find qualified, licensed vendors, who will reliably recycle their electronics, ferrous metals and plastic.

Advanced Recovery, Inc. is licensed with the New Jersey DEP and registered with the EPA, New York State DEC and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania DEP and takes pride in working with these agencies to ensure compliance with all laws and regulations.

Bob Travers, Sales Manager for Advanced Recovery says that his company is very excited to partner with PEEC for the Earth Day event. “It makes perfect sense to do this at PEEC for Earth Day!”

Our mission is to earn a leadership position in the recycling industry and maintain it on a daily basis through the practice of honesty, integrity, intelligence and wisdom. We take full responsibility for what we do and make sure that we are exceptional in our ability to provide outstanding, accountable service to every one of our customers. To learn more about Advanced Recovery visit their web site at

Come to PEEC for Earth Day fun and also recycle your household electronics including; monitors, printers, keyboards, vcr’s, terminals, cables, fax machines, radios, modems, crt’s, telephones, tv’s, cpu’s, copiers, typewriters and stereo equipment.

To learn more about PEEC and the Earth Day Celebration visit their web site at, email or call (570) 828-2319 for driving directions and a complete schedule of activities.

Admission to PEEC’s Earth Day festival is $5 per carload for all programs and activities; $10/carload for all programs, activities and all the electronic recycling your car, not truck, can hold!!

The Pocono Environmental Education Center, a non-profit center, is located within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, between Milford and Bushkill, PA. The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) enhances environmental awareness, knowledge, and appreciation through hands on experiences in an outdoor classroom. PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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PEEC’s Equinox Extravaganza!

March 13th, 2009

Lehman Township, PA – Shake off that frost from this long winter. Get off the couch, get out of the house and come celebrate spring. Spend an afternoon with your family and friends at the 1st Annual Equinox Extravaganza at the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) on March 21, 2009 ~ 1-4pm.

During this family -‘oriented’ event, children 9 and older will learn how to use a map and compass and navigate PEEC’s orienteering courses looking for the first signs of spring.  Their success results in many rewards all along the way.  We have a great day planned for our younger trekkers as well!  Children 8 years and younger, accompanied by parents, grand-parents, aunts, uncles or older siblings, will use a guide filled with clues, a map of their own and questions to search for signs of spring.
This is a great family activity where learning is fun, the excitement is spontaneous and the rewards are instantaneous!!

Crafts and on-going activities will fill in your before and after field adventures. Fresh fruit snacks will be served to celebrate the end of winter and welcome the new growing season. We will also be planting seeds to bring home.   These events are very popular and fill up fast.  The fee is $5 per person, no charge for children 3 and under. Call to register and reserve your family’s time spots at 570-828-2319.

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, school groups, scouts and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located off of Route 209, near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). For more information call (570) 828-2319 or visit PEEC’s new and improved website at PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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PEEC 2009 Summer Day Camps

March 2nd, 2009

Lehman Township, PA – How would you like to give your child a summer adventure close to home?  The Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) is looking forward to another great year of its Summer Nature Study Day Camp for children ages 3 to 15 years.  Your child will enjoy traditional camp activities such as canoeing, eco-crafts, and games, but PEEC doesn’t stop there!  Campers will also learn to identify insects during pond exploration, learn to work together on our team building course and learn how to use a map and compass during orienteering class.

If your child is 3-5 years of age or moving into kindergarten, they will love PEEC’s Tadpoles camps. This year’s Tadpoles will enjoy the following camp themes: Eco-Explorers, Water Adventures, and Amazing Animals! These half-day camp sessions last from 9 a.m. – Noon and are $65 per week for PEEC members and $75 for non-members and are a great way to begin your child’s adventures with nature. An adult 16 years or over must accompany Tadpole campers.

Let’s hear it for the Wet & Slimy Campers! Boys and girls entering 1st – 4th grade will enjoy a summer packed with learning and plenty of outdoor fun at PEEC. These weeklong camp sessions will highlight themes such as Flying Friends, Slimy & Scaly, Poconos Wild Kingdom, Creepy Crawlies and more. Get your children out to PEEC this summer and into nature!

Would your child like to be an NSI: Natural Scene Investigator, a Watershed Explorer or participate in a Photo Safari or weeklong fishing camp? Campers entering grades 5th-7th will explore the world of nature as Junior Natural Scientists this summer at PEEC. PEEC’s day camps will give them the chance to explore the outdoors and keep their imaginations active this summer, while enhancing their awareness of science and natural history.

Do you have a teen at home that would love to spend time outdoors this summer? Boys and girls in 8th-10th grade will have a great time at PEEC enjoying an Ultimate Adventure week, exploring Ecology & Awareness, and getting an Intro to Backpacking. Senior Naturalists will also have the opportunity to learn how to be a CIT: Counselor in Training. This is your chance to get them outside and keep their minds active over the long summer break.

PEEC is also offering a unique opportunity for teens to volunteer this summer in the Volunteer Counselor Program. This new program will run from June 8 – August 14 (8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) and will give young adults the opportunity to learn how to guide children, develop good working habits and help make the summer fun for PEEC’s campers. An interview is required for those interested in participating. Teens interested in taking part in this program must contact PEEC’s Camp Coordinator Mike Liese.

PEEC’s Day camps are available from June 15 through August 14, 2008 and run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.  The Wet & Slimy and Jr. Natural Scientist camps are $135 per week for PEEC members and $145 for non-members. Senior Natural Scientist Day camps are $195 for members and $205 for non-members. Single day rates, early drop-off (8:00 a.m.), bagged lunches and a pick-up in Milford are all available at an additional fee per week. For more information, contact Mike Liese at (570) 828-2319. Applications and camp schedules are available on PEEC’s website at or call PEEC to have these forms mailed to you. PEEC is close to home, where learning comes “naturally”!

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Scouts and More Scouts at PEEC!

March 2nd, 2009

PEEC, the Pocono Environmental Education Center, continues to offer more affordable scout programs than ever in the tri-state area. 

Webelos and Boy scouts are invited to attend a ‘Boy Scout Weekend’ on Saturday and Sunday February 28 and March 1, 2009.  Webelo programs offered will concentrate on ‘Geologist’ and ‘Forester’ badges while the Boy Scouts will work on their ‘Nature’ badge requirements.  PEEC staff and Naturalist will lead and deliver all programs. The program fees include: 1 night lodging, 4 meals and the full complement of activities.  PEEC member rates are $80/scout and $90/scout for non-members.  There is an even better deal for parent/scout combinations: $120/member combo and $130/non-member combo.

Junior and Senior/Cadette Girl Scouts are invited to a Spring Girl Scout Weekend on March 28-29, 2009.  Juniors will work on Earth Connections, Outdoor Creativity, Rocks Rock and Camp Together badges. Seniors/Cadettes will concentrate on Eco-Action and Digging Through the past badges.  All programs will be lead by PEEC staff and Naturalist. The program fees include: 1 night lodging, 4 meals and the full complement of activities.  PEEC member rates are $80/scout and $90/scout for non-members.  There is an even better deal for parent/scout combinations: $120/member combo and $130/non-member combo.

PEEC absolutely did not forget about Brownies!!  The 1st Annual PEEC Brownie Badge Fest will be held on Saturday, March 7, 2009 from 9am – 4pm. Morning sessions include: Watching Wildlife and Water Everywhere.  Afternoon sessions include: ready, Set, Go Camping and Outdoor Adventure. You can take part in one, two or all sessions.  Program fees are: $10/scout for half-day, $18/scout for whole day, $26/scout for whole day w/lunch and just $8/parent/leader for lunch.

You can register as individual scouts or whole troops.  All indications are that these programs will fill up fast.  Pre-registration is required for all programs. Call PEEC to register (570) 828-2319, or visit our Events page to download a registration form.

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, school groups, scouts and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). For more information call (570) 828-2319 or visit PEEC on the web at PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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PEEC Early Spring Birding Events

February 23rd, 2009

Lehman Township, PA – Winter is a great time for birding! Take advantage of the season and come out to the Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC) in Dingmans Ferry, PA to go in search of Bald eagles, raptors and owls during the center’s popular winter birding programs!

Sit back and let PEEC do the driving! Join expert birder Peter Wulfhorst on March 14 for the annual Middle Creek Birding Trip. Tens of thousands of Snow Geese and other birds stop off at the Middle Creek Wildlife Refuge to rest during their migration each year. Spend the day watching these birds fill the sky and congregate on the ground below. Bring a bag lunch and snacks. Participants rate this as ‘…the best trip of the year…’! This program will take place from 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. and is $30 for PEEC members and $35 for non-members. Transportation is provided for the first 12 registered participants. Participants need to register by March 1. 

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, school groups, scouts and nature enthusiasts of all ages. Pre-registration is required for these programs. Call PEEC to register at (570) 828-2319. PEEC is located off of Route 209 near mile marker 8 inside the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (Lehman Township). For more information visit PEEC’s new and improved website at or email PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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PEEC’s New Naturalist

February 23rd, 2009

PEEC, the Pocono Environmental Education Center, is pleased to introduce Jeremy Phillips as its Naturalist.  Jeremy is a graduate of Central Michigan University and holds a dual major Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Studies and Outdoor Recreation.  He worked as an Instructor for PEEC in 2006-07 during which he gained a tremendous amount of experience in field natural history studies and teaching in the outdoors.

Jeremy returned to the Poconos from New England to accept the appointment as the Naturalist for PEEC.  His reason for returning was to take advantage of the opportunity to be in a beautiful location and help PEEC continue its mission to present and deliver quality environmental education programs to people of all ages and walks of life.

During his prior experience at PEEC, Jeremy trained and worked with renowned free-lance naturalist, author and photographer, John Serrao, PEEC’s former Naturalist, Ethan Huner,  National Park Service Resource Specialist, Jeff Shreiner and a host of area scientists, birders and botanists…all of whom served to inspire Jeremy to continue his personal and professional pursuit of becoming a Naturalist.

Jeremy is an avid outdoorsman, fisherman, hunter, birder and hiker.  He is most passionate about instilling environmental ethics, concepts and experiences in younger generations. He hopes to be a positive influence on children and future environmentalists/naturalists.  His energy and enthusiasm for what he does is contagious.

He will be instrumental in developing and leading outdoor programs at PEEC on a year-round basis.  Jeremy’s programs are educational, inspirational and leave folks wanting to learn more.  His classroom is the natural world right here in our backyard.

A complete listing of all PEEC Natural History programs can be found on our web site at or by simply calling 570-828-2319.  Check it out!!

PEEC’s mission is to enhance environmental awareness, knowledge and appreciation through hands-on experience in a natural outdoor classroom. It provides unique year-round environmental experiences to families, school groups, scouts and nature enthusiasts of all ages. PEEC is located near mile marker 8, within the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, in Dingmans Ferry, PA (Lehman Township). For more information call (570) 828-2319 or visit PEEC on the web at PEEC is close to home, where learning comes naturally!

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