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Ways to Support PEEC

PEEC is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and is funded through donations, grants, and membership support. Your charitable donation is tax-deductible. When you give to PEEC, you support quality environmental education programming dedicated to people of all abilities and ages in our local community and throughout the region.

Make a One-Time or Recurring Donation

Single and recurring donations to PEEC sustain our free hiking trails, allow us to offer our public programming and community events at reduced rates, and support educational programming to local and regional schools.

Gifts can also be made in honor or in memory of a loved one.

Become a Member

Join PEEC’s membership program and help sustain our mission while also receiving perks for joining!

Matching Gifts Program

Many employers offer a matching gifts program as a benefit to their employees. PEEC participates in many philanthropic platforms and is able receive your charitable donations and any employer match to your gift. Ask your employer about this opportunity and consider choosing PEEC as a recipient of your workplace giving.


PEEC’s summer camp offers opportunities for children pre-K through 10th grade to explore the outdoors and connect to nature. Camperships provide the financial assistance to families in need. Please call PEEC to learn more.

Planned Giving

A planned gift is one of the most impactful ways you can support PEEC’s mission to advance environmental education, sustainable living, and appreciation for nature through a hands-on experience in a national park. PEEC has over 50 years of experience in hosting schools, families, summer camp, community events, and the general public to learn about and connect to nature. Planned giving can benefit you, your loved ones, and the charitable causes you care about. Please contact us or your financial advisor to learn more about leaving a legacy in support of PEEC.

American Express Donation Site

Cardholders have the opportunity to donate to more than 1,000,000 U.S. nonprofit organizations listed on the Guidestar database. Card members are also allowed to redeem Membership Rewards points for donations to their favorite charities.

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Niki Jones Agency Inc.