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PEEC into the Classroom

Environmental Education Classes
for Students

The best way to learn environmental lessons from our faculty is a PEEC school trip for a hands-on adventure. If that is not possible, PEEC staff may be able to travel up to an hour to reach your classroom.

“PEEC Into the Classroom,” our off-campus educational outreach program, is a great way to help your students learn naturally! These hour-long modules can be done inside the classroom or outside on school grounds.

PEEC programs for children and teenagers align with Learning and Academic Standards for PA, NY, and NJ. Contact us for more information.

Outside & In-Person Curriculum (1 hour per class)

What’s in Your Watershed

Explore were water goes at your school through our EnviroScape demonstration and supporting exploration of storm water management on-site.  

Seasonal Survival

Explore animal strategies of survival for winter. Students will discuss wildlife ecology accompanied by animal artifacts followed by using critical thinking skills to design and build a functional nest site for their gelatin “critters.” Will your students survive the challenge?

Digging Geology

There’s more to rocks than meets the eye. Learn the importance of minerals in our lives and how to geologists classify them through hands-on, empirical methods. 


Meet the animal ambassadors of PEEC in this creature-focused presentation on coldblooded amphibians and reptiles. Discuss why people have an aversion to these “crawling” critters and learn their importance in our environment.

Trees & Leaves

Do you know the trees in your backyard? We will review the parts of a tree and then discuss the various adaptations trees have in temperate forests, including how they survive winter. Then we will practice our identification skills outside!

Bugs & Beyond

What really is a “bug” and why do they bother us? We’ll cover insect anatomy, their lifecycles and how to identify other “buggy” creatures as well. Then we will explore common areas outside for these important arthropods.

Bird Bonanza

Our fine feathered friends are seen throughout the year, but sometimes it is difficult to see them up close. Students will get a personal look at our bird artifacts to unravel the secrets of flight and the mysteries of bird identification in the field.

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